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The cause of crack in casting aluminum alloy and its solution
Release Time:2019-05-17 16:52:10      Hit Count:655

Casting aluminum alloy can be directly obtained by metal casting process. The alloying element content of this kind of alloy is generally higher than that of the corresponding deformed aluminum alloy.

The maximum content of alloying element silicon in cast aluminum alloy exceeds that in most deformed aluminum alloys. Cast aluminium alloys must contain sufficient amounts of eutectic elements (usually silicon), in addition to strengthening elements, to allow the alloy to flow quite easily and fill the contraction joints of the castings when casting.

Casting crack is a kind of crack formed at high temperature which is easy to appear in the alloy with large volume shrinkage and the casting with complicated shape.


1. Unreasonable casting structure design with sharp corners and uneven wall thickness

2. Poor yielding of sand mold (core)

3. Local overheating of the casting mold

4. Pouring temperature is too high

5. Remove the casting from the self-casting mold too early

6. Overheating or overburning in heat treatment and excessive cooling rate


1. Improve casting structure design, avoid sharp Angle, strive for even wall thickness, smooth transition

2. Adopt measures to increase the concessibility of sand mold (core)

3. Ensure that all parts of the casting are solidified at the same time or in sequence, and improve the design of the casting system

4. Lower casting temperature appropriately

5. Control mold cooling time

6. Thermal correction method shall be adopted for casting deformation

7. Correctly control the heat treatment temperature and reduce the quenching and cooling speed

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